Minor Surgery
Certain small surgical operations can be performed during the surgery. With minor surgery, the recovery time is usually short and you will be back to your usual activities fairly quickly (depending on your procedure).
At Ntinda Hospital, Before attending for minor surgery you will need to see a doctor for the diagnosis and then you will be given an appointment to attend for your procedure.
Circumcision is among the minor surgeries done at Ntinda Hospital. Circumcision is the surgical removal of the skin covering the tip of the penis. The procedure is fairly common for newborn boys in certain parts of the world, including Uganda.
To be eligible for the procedure your child must be full term and in good health with no medical conditions. There are a few situations that may cause circumcision to be delayed. For example, in babies who are born prematurely, circumcision is usually delayed until they are ready to be discharged from the hospital. Babies who are born with a defect of the penis should be evaluated by a urologist, who may recommend delaying circumcision. If there is a family history of a bleeding disorder or the baby has bleeding problems, circumcision is delayed until it has been determined that the baby is not at increased risk of bleeding during the procedure.